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Family GuyGood news for all you Family Guy fanatics. Twentieth Century Fox announced today that they will allow Take-Two Interactive Software and Airborne Entertainment to produce new Family Guy video games. Take-Two will produce multiple platform video games while Airborne Entertainment will introduce new mobile phone content for enjoyment of the Griffins on the go. The new video game will be a third person action/adventure where players take the role of characters such as Stewie, Brian the Dog, and Peter as they interact with the citizens of Quahog. The expected release will be in 2006. Until we see some updates, we can only assume this will be something like The Simpsons video games as it is a third-person adventure.

Read More | Team Xbox

Gallery: Coming Soon - Family Guy: The Video Game


DescriptionOkay, I know this isn’t the Revolution - but we all know that Nintendo has been talking a lot about how they plan to introduce a new way of playing games with their next generation console. Many a gamer has been scratching their head, theorizing on what exactly the technology would bring to the table. As soon as I saw this video, I thought “THAT"S revolutionary.”  Check it out - Total Immersion’s D’Fusion software solution allows for real-time video capture and perfect merges between video streams and 3D objects. All you need is a camera, a few sensors, and a HUD. This turns your world into an immersive gaming experience, where you are IN the game…or where the game is all around you. Words cant really describe this, so just check out the video. What do you think?

Edit: Here is another video file (80 MB)

Gallery: Total Immersions D’Fusion Technology

PSP  Two big announcements from Sony in just as many days, cool!  Sony’s much-anticipated new handheld, the PSP, is coming to the US on March 24th.  It’s coming in Value Pack form only, which includes a 32 MB Memory Stick Duo, headphones with remote control, battery pack, AC adaptor, soft case and cleaning cloth, movie/music/game video sampler UMD disc.  Those who have already pre-ordered are getting an extra treat: The first one million PSP Value Packs will include a special UMD video release of the feature film Spider-Man 2 from Sony Pictures Entertainment. Now, ready for the bummer? The price of the Value Pack is going to be $249.99, almost $50-100 more than many expected it to retail for.

Read More | Yahoo Finance

Gallery: Sony PSP Launching on March 24th in US

GT4 ScreenIn what has got to be the most shocking bit of news we’ve heard today, Gran Turismo 4 has been announced for release on February 22 in the United States.  Reports had previously confirmed the European release as being next month, so we were wondering what was the hold up stateside.  The latest installment of this driving simulation series had been previously scheduled for a release here late last year.  Since then, it’s been released in Japan and we’ve waited for what feels like an eternity for additional cars and features to be added.  Now we can all go and complain about something else for a change.

Read More | MySan

Gallery: Gran Turismo 4 US Release Date Announced

Splinter Cell: Chaos TheoryLast month we told you about Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory’s multiplayer mode, but what about the single player experience? Team Xbox brings you the latest screen shots and five movies of actual game play of the actual Xbox version and not some developer’s version on a PC. The newest installment in the Splinter Cell series looks gorgeous and promises to bring many new features, such as throwing enemies off cliffs and using the real-time weather to your advantage. This game is expected to be released on March 29th, however there is a way you can play it before then. Pick up the March edition of Official Xbox Magazine with the extra CD and you will be able to play the demo version exclusively available to OXM.

Read More | Team Xbox

Gallery: New Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Info

Doom Board Game  This one’s for those folks who can’t afford a new NVidia card every 3 months.  For a fraction of the price, you and up to three friends can take part in a recreation of last year’s scare-fest from id Software.  Included in the game are 6 custom dice, 66 plastic miniatures (HellKnights, Zombies, Marines, etc), a rule book, and a scenario guide.  I bet most scenarios involve you being in a claustrophobic boiler room, unable to hold a gun and a flashlight at the same time.

Read More | Fantasy Flight Games

Gallery: DOOM: The Board Game

Xbox 2 In a Q and A session John Connors, Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of Microsoft, said the following:

“In terms on the next Xbox, we haven’t announced a release. I think the next period when Robbie and the team will talk about that is at E3 in Los Angeles in May. They’re hard at work on it, but it doesn’t have a summer announce.”

We already know that J Allard will deliver the keynote address at this year’s conference. If we know Microsoft, a top level executive or Bill Gates himself will unveil any news about its next generation technology. Taking that into account, we can be almost 90% sure on some sort of announcement or demonstration at May’s game conference. This year’s E3 will be, without a doubt,  one of the best in its history. Sony and Nintendo have already confirmed that they will have demonstrations of their upcoming consoles on the show. The question that remains is will the Xbox successor see a Q4 2005 launch, as EA has led us to believe?

Read More | Team Xbox

Gallery: XBOX 2 To Debut At E3

DescriptionSo you have a game system and a home wireless network and want to play your favorite console games online. Linksys has a new option for you, the (WGA54AG). This game adapter is compatible with 802.11a, b, and g devices and works with the Playstation 2, Xbox, and Gamecube. This card also allows users to connect to their Windows Media Center PC from their Xbox if they own a Media Center Extender-enabled Xbox. The game adapter is available now at a M.S.R.P. of $129. Some of you may know that other such adapters exist, however none of them are 802.11a compatible. This means that possible lower prices will be soon available for the old cards. Time to take the wire off your console.

Read More | Linksys

Gallery: Linksys WGA54AG Wireless Game Adapter

Sony LogoSony’s newest and highly-anticipated microprocessor code-named Cell will run at a blazing 4.6 gigahertz. Next month, IBM, Sony and Toshiba will present four technical papers at the International Solid State Circuits Conference. This chip is a multicore 64-bit processor capable of massive floating point processing. What this translates into is massive operating power from a single chip. Sony plans to use this processor to power its next generation Playstation as well as home servers for broadband content and high-definition televisions. It probably will not be long until we see this kind of processing power on our home desktops as we see processing speed increase at almost a weekly basis.

Read More | Team Xbox

Gallery: Sony’s Cell Processor

DescriptionBack atcha, EA! In light of recent developments in the game industry, many thought that Electronic Arts was going to have the whole world of sports gaming locked down. Take Two decided not to let that happen, as they just signed a deal with Major League Baseball granting them exclusive third party rights to make games based on the franchise. What this means is that first parties (Microsoft, Sony’s 989 Sports, and Nintendo) may still makes games based on MLB, but no other third parties - including Electronic Arts - may do so. The deal begins in 2006, and lasts for seven years. Just hours after the news was announced, Take Two announced the purchase of Visual Concepts, Sega’s sports dev house. This is just getting nasty.

Read More | IGN

Gallery: Take Two Strikes MLB Deal and Buys Visual Concepts
